2001 年播出的《尋秦記》,改編自黃易同名小說,將科幻元素融入武俠故事。《尋秦記》是黃易的代表作,亦是歷史穿越小說的鼻祖。此劇是無綫電視 34周年台慶劇,開創了穿越劇的先河,由古天樂飾演主角項少龍。
小說中,項少龍矯健敏捷,身手不凡。墨子劍法是他穿越後初學的武功,後來更自創武功,以百戰刀法將「劍聖」曹秋道的斬將劍斷去了一截劍鋒,因此被譽為「刀君」。 是以幾襲衣衫都盡顯其高挺健壯、朗逸軒昂之姿,十分配合古天樂的俊俏瀟灑外型,此劇亦成為不少80、90後劇迷心目中的經典神劇。
小彩蛋:項少龍以現代人身分穿越到古代,在遣詞用語上每每有所不同,古天樂在演繹此角色時加入了不少笑料,例如有一幕項少龍向烏廷芳表白,以英語說出:I LOVE YOU!更配合手語比劃,相當搞笑!此外,古天樂一直很欣賞黃易的鬼才,視他為恩師,又購下《尋秦記》電影版權,將作品搬上大銀幕,由他再度飾演主角項少龍。
A Step into the Past broadcast in 2001 is a television drama adapted from a novel authored by Wong Yi with the same Chinese title, which integrates science fictional elements into a martial arts story. A Step into the Past is a masterpiece of Wong Yi and the very first time-travel novel. The television drama was broadcast during the 34th anniversary of TVB, pioneering the history of time-travel television dramas. In the television drama, Xiang Shaolong was played by Louis Koo Tin-lok.
Officer Xiang Shaolong from the Hong Kong Police Force’s VIP Protection Unit (commonly known as G4) accidentally travelled back more than two thousand years to the Warring States period in a time-travelling experiment. At that time, Ying Zheng, Qin Shi Huang (the first Emperor of China), had not yet ascended the throne. Thanks to his G4 expertise and modern scientific knowledge, Xiang Shaolong repeatedly came out safely from danger. He helped Prince Zhao Pan who was out of favour to change his identity and replace the deceased Prince of Qin, Ying Zheng. He also helped Zhao Pan unify the Qin Empire to become Qin Shi Huang.
In the novel, Xiang Shaolong is agile with extraordinary martial arts skills. Mozi’s swordsmanship was the first martial arts skill that he learned after travelling in time. Later, he even created his own martial arts skills and chopped off a section of the blade on the sword of Cao Qiudao, the “Great Swordsman”, with Hundred Battle Sabre Skill and was therefore known as the “King of Sabre”. The several outfits of the character fully showcase his sturdy and elegant demeanour, perfectly matching Louis Koo Tin-lok, who is handsome and dashing. This television drama has also become a classic masterpiece in the hearts of many fans born in the 1980s and 1990s.
Bonus: Xiang Shaolong, a modern man, travelled back to ancient times. His choice of words and expressions were often amusing. Louis Koo Tin-lok added a lot of humour while portraying this character. For example, in a funny scene where Xiang Shaolong confessed to Wu Tingfang, he said with gestures in English, “I LOVE YOU!”. In addition, Louis Koo Tin-lok had always admired Wong Yi’s supernatural talents and regarded him as his mentor. He later purchased the film copyright of A Step into the Past and brought the work to the big silver screen, in which he once again played Xiang Shaolong.
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Television Broadcasts Limited
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